Matthias Book

Matthias Book








PhD Student Position in Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction

I am looking for a doctoral student to work on the topic of user interaction with spreadsheets through sketching with digital ink. The research involves both conceptual HCI work (designing a visual language that is suitable for expressing interactions with spreadsheets) and practical software engineering (developing/adapting a prototypical spreadsheet application for conducting usability studies).

This is a full-time doctoral student position at the University of Iceland, funded by the Icelandic Research Fund for a duration of up to three years, starting in 2024. The salary will be according to the current collective wage and salary agreement for doctoral students.

Project Abstract

This research project examines how effective sketching on a spreadsheet's user interface with digital ink can be for expressing cognitively challenging tasks (e.g. by visually expressing a spreadsheet operation involving multiple table cells that would otherwise require conceiving and typing in a complex formula), especially on devices where traditional input modalities are not conveniently accessible (e.g. when working on a mobile device or a wall-mounted interactive display without a mouse and keyboard).

The doctoral student will explore users' expectations of sketch-based command input, define a visual language for expressing common operations on spreadsheets, design and implement a prototype of a sketch-enabled spreadsheet application, and evaluate the viability and usability of the sketch input as a stand-alone and a supplementary interaction modality.

Application Requirements

Applicants need

  • an MSc degree in Computer Science or Software Engineering
  • fluency in Java or C#, and ability to work creatively with existing tools' APIs
  • proficiency in written and spoken English

Please apply by sending me the following:

  • your CV
  • a half-page statement of purpose
  • your BSc and MSc transcripts
  • contact information of your MSc advisor and one other individual who can provide a reference on your academic or professional work
  • a writing sample (ideally, a digital copy of your MSc thesis)
  • proof of English language proficiency in the form of an TOEFL, IELTS (Academic) or Cambridge English (CAE or CPE) test (except for native English speakers and graduates of accredited higher education institutions in an English-speaking country, i.e. the UK, USA, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, or Canada)

Appointments are made in consideration of the Equal Rights Policy of the University of Iceland.

Applications will be evaluated until the position has been filled.

Work Environment

The University of Iceland is a public university in the heart of Reykjavik with ca. 14.000 students in 400 programs across a wide range of disciplines. The Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science has about 800 students. About 75% of all doctoral students are of international origin. The Department of Computer Science is located in the University Science Park's new innovation center Gróska, a vibrant community of startup and tech companies of all sizes.

Iceland has about 400.000 inhabitants, 250.000 of which live in the capital area. About one quarter of the population has international heritage. It is a progressive, family-friendly, digital society that consistently ranks at or close to the top of the Human Development Index, Global Gender Gap Index, LGBT Equality Index and Global Peace Index.

For more information on living and working in Reykjavik, see and

For more information on the research project, the open position, and to submit your application, please contact me (book [at]